What are you doing using Twitter?

Promote Your Blog

Calling all Twitter addicts!

It seems like Twitter came out of nowhere and actually it has been around since 2006.

At one point the micro-blog was seen as just another Web 2.0 time waster yet has wildly taken off with its uses to keep people up to date.

How can you use a micro-blog such as Twitter in your marketing?

1. Keep Your 'Followers' Current of Your Site, Blog or Business

Think of it as a quick little newsletter or opt-list that keeps your audience within reach.

If your followers can reply to you somehow that is even better. People turn into your advocate when they feel you are listening.

2. Send Out Promos

'Tweet' out a special coupon or discount.

Offer a 'Thank you for following me' type deal that is exclusive only to your Twitter followers.

3. Test Marketing

You now have instant marketing analysis at your fingertips.

Conduct quick surveys and see what the response is within minutes.

Think of it as instant feedback that marketing companies pay out the nose for.

4. Exclusivity

Treat your loyal followers as part of a VIP club.

Offer insight on yourself as a person and disclose some thought or idea that is true to you.

You are more likely to have influence over your audience when you build rapport with them.

Mobile Twitter offers exactly that.

Mobile Twitter adds that personal touch in your marketing. Share websites where your work can be found or has been mentioned. Give recommendations that you have of tools, people, businesses or other Twitterers.

5. Send out your contact page on a regular basis

Going back to surveys ask a question and leave your contact page URL to collect answers.

Some Twitter do's and donts:

o Use your 140 characters wisely - Condense your message so that you can get the word out in one Tweet.

o Space out your Tweets - What I've noticed as a mobile user is that one or two Tweets in a row is okay. (See above.) If you do all your Twittering at one time you are liable to have followers un-follow or 'blow up' mobile users phones and they'll 'turn off device'. You don't want that.

Use Mobile Twitter yourself and send Tweets throughout the day. Sending everything out all in the morning or all in the evening is too much for some of your followers to bear.

o Have a mix of Tweets - Offer an assortment don't just Tweet about 'shop talk' and links to your site. You will keep your followers longer by coming up with creative information that they can either relate to or learn from.


  1. Good tips here. I especially like the idea of asking a question and then linking to your contact page. Good idea...

  2. Great good tips,good idea.thanks

  3. These are very good tips for either a newbie "burning the midnight candle" to promote his/her website as well as established websites in the process of implementing SEO.

  4. great tips.i liked it

  5. great tips.. i also liked the idea of asking a question and then linking to your contact page.

  6. i have never used twitter before..mm i'm gonna give it a try,,

    btw, would you like to exchange link with me? My blog is PR2.. if you want to, please leave me a message on my chatbox and i will surely add you too.. thanks in advance :D

  7. does this really works ? well thx for these tip i will try

  8. very good tips - you sound convincing. i've been to lazy to use it - but i actually might give it a try.

  9. is there anything better than twitter

    and does this really works ?

    thanks for sharing tip

  10. That list is really useful!!
    Didn't know there are so many ways!

  11. FYI I don't use this tool because it asks for my Google account info: you can RSS your post to automatically Tweet.

    I cheat and just Tweet 'New blog post:' then the URL. It looks the same as the RSS for Twitter. :) Lame huh? Ha ha.

    Don't know the exact name of the tool I forgot! But here is the Twitter Wiki from PB: Twitter Fan Wiki

    Have fun with some of the other Twitter downloads.

  12. Good list of tips...and I can say from personal experience, tweeting is easier said than done. I know many people who have great experiences with Twitter, yet I don't "tweet" on a regular basis. By the way what is your Twitter ID? Don't see it on your bookmark icons.

  13. http://twitter.com/jpearce01

  14. Good list of tips...loved it

  15. These are great suggestions because sometimes I don`t even know what to do with Twitter.

  16. Nice tips, but I'm not a fan of mobile blogging i usually keep it off


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