Friday Social - Keep in Touch

Twitter in Your Gmail
Here is one more Twitter Gadget to add to your arsenal. Bring 'em on!

What do you think of social media invading your email?
-Yahoo! is rolling out enhance Web 2.0 email in the next few months.-

Social Networking Sites for Business Use, Employment Opportunities
Here is a report from The Examiner which social media site to connect with if your looking work opportunities.

Out of touch...

Huffington Post Doesn't Pay it's Bloggers
"Ken Lerer, who worked as an executive at Time-Warner before helping to launch the Huffington Post, explained to USA Today that the company has no plans to begin paying the bloggers at the Post. In his words, paying contributors is "not our financial model. We offer them visibility, promotion and distribution with a great company."
Wow now that sounds like a great company. :)

5 Social Media Trends to Watch Out For
Get ready to geek out when it comes to social media.
Five social media trends from five social media experts.

Twitter'er of the Week
Ta Da! It's @GlobalPatriot follow him ASAP!
Global Patriots Site:
Recent Post: Andrew Revkin - The Story on Climate Change

Pic: jmilles


  1. many new types gadget for twitter are available in websites.. but this one is really professional e-mail sending helper!


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